Just checking in

I’ve taken some time out from walking to recharge my batteries, not to say recover from the failed Challenge two weeks ago. I have to say that I moped around feeling sorry for myself for three or four days before a brief 10 minute stroll on the Friday and 40 minutes on the Sunday, more to clear the airways than anything else.

I can console myself with the point that I raised £1,350 for Guts UK but it will grate on me for some time that I couldn’t complete the full 100 km. I am still not planning any further ultra challenges; at the moment it just feels a bit much for me and the experience has been a bit deflating. However, the physical pain has eased after a day or two when everything south of the hip and north of the knee was stiff, achy or both.

You won’t be reading about me doing massive numbers of miles any time soon and there is absolutely no chance of me walking 100 miles in July to match each of the previous six months of the year. If I do have a goal, it is to ensure that I complete 1,000 miles for the year. I was up to 675 before today so that should be achievable.

I set out today with Pammy for company, walking steadily with as little in the way of ascent or descent. The air was tight and extremely muggy and it all felt a bit of an effort. We didn’t aim to visit anywhere in particular but in and around Sarisbury, Locks Heath and Park Gate. I didn’t expect to find it easy but also I didn’t expect to suffer achy legs after just 6 miles. Still, it felt positive to be out again but I am going to take it easy.

Nothing much else to report here. Just checking in, really. But I must thank everyone who sent me best wishes, they really are appreciated. I’ll look to do a short walk or two after work and next Sunday if I can.